The Toilet Seat Wars

Upon reading this news article I decided it was time to say what men as a whole are to polite, henpecked or scared to say. Since I don't have many bridges left that I haven't burned down I have nothing to lose so for the good of men everywhere I have to stand up and be heard on this subject!!


From the Daily Telegraph newspaper

Sales recently passed 1.8 million units for German inventor Alex Benkhardt's "WC Ghost," [Zig: WC stands for Water Closet, the term used for bathroom in most of the world] a toilet voice alarm, activated when the seat is lifted, which scolds a man who tries to urinate while standing up. It is a difficult sell for some Germans, though, in that a slang word for "wimp" (sitzpinkler) is, literally, a man who sits to urinate. The scolding German voice resembles Chancellor Gerhard Schroder's, and the planned British version might use a voice resembling the queen's. And in the Netherlands, artist Leonard van Munster outfitted toilets in an Amsterdam cafe with more versatile sensors, able not only to admonish stand-up urinators but to offer, for example, anti-smoking messages if it detects that the user is lighting up. [Daily Telegraph (London), 8-18-04; Reuters, 8-28-04]

I applaud the German men, and I mean MEN for "standing up" for their right in the face of this blatantly sexiest attack on the male race!! Thousands of German, UK and Netherlands readers wander through the Ziggyland site daily so this Rant should hit home to the poor slobs effected by this movement. I would love to hear from some of them on this subject. I would even post they're letter in protest of this slam on the male race!!

This is just another nail in the coffin in the gendercide of men world wide!!

The "put the seat down" nagging has existed from before the inside plumbing days. Women hounding men to reset the toilet to their liking when they're done peeing. Yet another example of women want all the privileges but none of the responsibilities. I am calling all men to make a point of leaving the seat up everytime!!

Women bitching about "equal rights" are out falling over each other to prove they can be men with tits everywhere you look. Insisting on taking over traditionally male roles. Feeling the need to drive trucks and SUVs (car manufactures have had to replace the 2nd transaxle stick shift with nontechnical, nonthreatening wimpy little push button shift on the fly 4 wheel drive systems because most (girls please note: I said most-not all) aren't smart enough to operate anything as mechanical as a manual transmission system. Also the soft ride coil springs so the large 4 wheel drive monster truck can have a soft wussy car like ride cause it's to hard to put on mascara bouncing down the road in a truly manly truck!!!). Riding motorcycles, Driving Semi trucks (fueling the introduction of automatic transmissions into semi tractors). I can do a Rant on all the things turned soft and wimpy to market it to the new consumer group, women on a mission to prove they can do anything a man can do.....Men with tits!!

But that's another Rant another day

The toilet seat scandal;

Women badger their men to operate the seat for them because most women aren't smart enough to operate something as complicated and technical as a 2 piece hinged shitter seat!!! Rather than admit to this weakness it is easier to point blame on the confused and innocent male house mate. Common sense dictates that the seat lid should be down when not in use but I've found very few women are capable of operating the seat or the lid leaving the lid up when they're done.

If women were smart enough to see if the seat is down before sitting then this would be a non issue due to their need to be viewed as men with tits. they would jump through hoops to learn how to use the seat JUST LIKE A MAN!! Women would realize that with the seat up it would stay dry and clean and out of the way until her dainty little ass needed it.

Equal rights don't stop at the bathroom door ladies. If you can't figure out how it works just say so and stop beating up men for your inadequacies. A man will be happy to demonstrate the more difficult aspects of the modern toilet seat.

The only other explanation would be women as a whole are lazy and want a reason to senselessly bitch at men.

Case in point.....

If putting the seat down would produce a piece of chocolate each time like a Pez machine women would be locked in the bathroom working the seat like a car jack!!! Oh wait, jacks are to technical, very few women know how to operate one.......Working the seat like a slot machine till it was empty!!

To all the girls that bitch about the seat being up...

Deal with your own personal shortcomings and stop pointing fingers!!!

Your a big girl now ! It's time to grow up, quit whining and become potty trained.. Really, it's not that hard. If you cant do it yourself then why expect others to do it for you!

Guys, next time your bitched at about leaving the seat up...tell her to Shut the Fuck Up!!

And men, when the "sit when you pee" movement arrives on your door step, and it will, just remember.....I warned you....................................